The timed “up and go” test: Reliability and validity in persons with unilateral lower limb amputation
Der Timed up and go Test (engl.: Zeitdauer für Aufstehen und Gehen) ist ein einfacher Mobilitätstest zur Beurteilung der Beweglichkeit bzw. des 1 Definition. Der Timed "Up and Go"-Test, kurz TUG-Test, ist ein klinischer Test zur Beurteilung der Mobilität und des Sturzrisikos eines Patienten. Anleitung zum Timed ,Up and Go" Test und Tinetti. Hintergrund. Gangstörungen stellen bei älteren Patienten eine eigenständige funktionelle Einschränkung mit Timed “Up & Go”-Test. Kurzbeschreibung Performancetest zur Mobilitätsmessung aufstehen aus dem Sitz, 3 Meter hin und zurück gehen, hinsetzen. Overview: The Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test, in conjunction with other measures such as the Four-Stage. Balance Test, 30 Second Chair Stand Test and an Sep 18, 2015 Chartered physiotherapist Louise McGregor demonstrates the timed up and go test, which helps to assess whether a person is at an increased
Sep 05, 2019 · Use this test to assess a patient’s mobility. See our simple instructions, and watch the short video on how to conduct the test. Download. The Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test pdf icon [148KB] Watch How to Conduct the Test (1:28) Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test - Parkinson's Toolkit Kristensen MT, Foss NB, Kehlet H. Timed "Up and Go" Test as a predictor of falls within 6 months after hip fracture surgery. Phys Ther. 2007.87(1):24‐30. (PDF) „Timed up and go“ für die Finger in Form des 20 ... „Timed up and go“ für die Finger in Form des 20-Cents-Tests Article (PDF Available) in Zeitschrift für Gerontologie + Geriatrie 48(2) · January 2015 with 390 Reads How we measure 'reads'
Ask the person to stand up from a standard chair and walk a distance of 10ft. (3m) Have the person turn around, walk back to the chair and sit down again. Source: Podsiadlo, D. Richardson, S. The timed “Up and Go” Test a Test of Basic Functional Mobility for Frail Elderly Persons. Journal of America Geriatric Society 1991; 39:142-148 NAME DATE Go Test {TUG) Timed Up - Health/Human Services Timed Up & Go Test {TUG) Health Professionals are asked to assess annually all patients who are 65 years or older Directions: The timed "Up and Go" test measures, in seconds, the time taken by an individual to stand up from a standard arm chair, walk a distance of 3 metres, turn, walk back to the chair and sit down .. The subject wears their Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) - Spinal Cord Injury Research ... Bland-Altman plot indicated that inter-rater reliability was better than intra-rater reliability and that repeatability of the test depends on patient’s walking performance. [Van Hedel, Wirz & Dietz 2005] Validity: Correlation of the Timed Up and Go test is excellent with the: 10 Meter Walk Test (Spearman’s r=-0.646) (PDF) The timed “up and go” test: Reliability and validity ...
49. Timed Up & Go 50. Tinetti POMA 51. Trunk Control Test 52. Trunk Impairment Scale 53. VO2 Max 54. Wolf Motor Function Scale TESTS CLINIQUES (Locomotion) PHT-21242 The Timed « Up & Go » : a test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons. J Am Geriatr Soc 1991 ; 39 : 142-8. 11 Université Laval Département de Physiothérapie Cours PHT-21242 Timed up and go (TUG) Consigne : à «go» levez-vous puis marchez à … Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test - Summit Professional Education test has been shown by Duncan to be predictive of falls in older adults (Duncan et al., 1990). Functional reach is tested by placing a yardstick or tape measure on the wall, parallel to
Timed Up & Go (Levántate y anda) (Podsialo y Richardson, 1991) Paciente bien sentado contra el respaldo de la silla, con apoya brazos. Brazos descansando sobre los muslos, y los pies colocados justo detrás de la línea de partida. Marcar un recorrido de 3 metros desde la línea de partida hacia una pared. Evaluador: se ubica de pie, a media distancia entre la línea de partida y …
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